Category: Biking

Is It Possible to Tell a Life Story Using Twitter?

                                                              = I would like to begin by saying that I am an English teacher, and so I am by nature curious about what people write and the difference… Continue Reading “Is It Possible to Tell a Life Story Using Twitter?”

Prospect Park (Found) Poetry (Possibly) about Biking and Racing

The pomp of colors though dank now Soon aching greens sprout Muscles upward and out- [A map of Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York]   Nor the Slope Nor the falling temperatures dint my course Allow me to intimate my plan for the season of… Continue Reading “Prospect Park (Found) Poetry (Possibly) about Biking and Racing”


Prospect Park State of Mind Can you believe all the things that there are to do here, in this city, the largest city in the US. How big? Over 8,000,000. The next largest city? LA: 3,500,000. So, it follows that several biking events are… Continue Reading “PROSPECT PARK BIKE RACE”


In Iowa City I could lock my bike with this chain: Or, with these chains: But in Brooklyn, I was told that I had better get something along these lines: Wait. I am getting ahead of myself. Where have I been? Why am I… Continue Reading “LONG BREAK EXPLAINED”

The Bicycle: Crime Destroyer or Freedom Machine?

From this angle, it looks like he’s riding a Fuji, or maybe a Univega. But that would be impossible, no? Why am I interested in bikes and culture? Because I think that the bicycle ushered in the modern, technical, industrial age. Two anecdotes. David… Continue Reading “The Bicycle: Crime Destroyer or Freedom Machine?”

FEELING LITERARY: William Gibson and the future of bikes

FOR YOUR READING PLEASURE, I give you a glimpse into the future of bikes and messengering: “Sometimes, when she rode hard, when she could really proj, Chevette got free of everything: the city, her body, even time. That was the messenger’s high, she knew,… Continue Reading “FEELING LITERARY: William Gibson and the future of bikes”

Birkie Time!

Well folks, it is now time for the Birkie. Or, in my case, the Korte. If I can’t win–and I can’t–then I will try to score style points this weekend. I might go for Tord’s low-rider-skier look: Or, I might just go for the… Continue Reading “Birkie Time!”

I do not recommend cross-country skiing.

I do not recommend cross-country skiing. But, if you are already a nordic-junky freak, then you are past saving. And in that case, dear reader, read on! If you have only learned to use the classic skiing technique (see above), then I suggest that… Continue Reading “I do not recommend cross-country skiing.”

Jason McCartney: Pro Bike Racer and Maybe Pro Skier (Someday)

    My neighbor Jason McCartney is now riding for THE SHACK. That is the pro cycling team sponsored by Radioshack for those not in the pro cycling loop. Perhaps his nickname will change from JMac to Shack-Mac. Or, Mac-Shacker. Anyway, Jason is not… Continue Reading “Jason McCartney: Pro Bike Racer and Maybe Pro Skier (Someday)”

Part IV: Tour of Missouri Pics

What is it like to be a Pro Tour Bike racer? First, you need to be slender and skinny and actually quite thin.  Check out this guy: The guy on the left is not that slender, but the classics rider on the right… he… Continue Reading “Part IV: Tour of Missouri Pics”